Radiohead lullabies?

Radiohead lullabies?More than slightly b’gocked by the following:

While exploring’s MP3 offerings today, I came across something rather unexpected. When I found In Rainbows, the sidebar suggested that I might also enjoy this collection of lullaby renditions of familiar Radiohead songs.


A. & I checked out a few samples. And I was surprised that these were actually… pretty… good? Though perhaps not as cognitively dissonant as Metallica lullabies. Meanwhile lullaby versions of The Cure could have passed as simply dub versions of those particular songs.

(Cross-posted from

March 7th, 2008 3:48 pm

oh my god… those are like the cutest little hipster lullaby CDs ever! I was listening to the clips and, I must admit, these will certainly be making it to my wish list. I just LOVE that someone got brilliant and made lullaby versions of our gen’s music.

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