bye bye butternut

Some complete asshole stole the rest of our butternut squash from our garden.  There were about 10 really big butternuts that I had planned to harvest today.  We feed our family from our garden, so we don’t take the theft lightly.  So much for baby food for our little guy.  Asshole.  

We’ve decided that we’re not doing the community garden anymore.  It was great while it lasted, but this last event was really the straw that broke the camel’s back.  I had to work so hard even to make it to the garden all summer long.  I had to nurse my hefty baby while standing up in the hot sun.  I had to buckle and unbuckle the carseat and stroller straps so many times just to spend 10 minutes weeding.  And now some asshole comes along and steals from us.  I know that complaining about it isn’t going to fix the situation, but I will feel better just getting it out.  

God help the next moron that asks me for money on Church Street.

October 6th, 2008 11:02 am

That is just awful! I’m so sorry. What is wrong with people?!

October 6th, 2008 11:24 am

@Erin– SRSLY!! Losing the Butternuts is a big hit to morale for us. 🙁 They take so long to mature and to have 10 of them stolen is just about as low and shitty a thing as a person can do.

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