Archive for February 8th, 2010
Yellow Room

I’m having a spectacularly crappy day (all job and car-related), so I decided to hop on here and post something positive.  I mentioned last month that I had painted Holden’s room his favorite color, “wellwoah.”  I present to you now, the before and after pictures.

Before (this shot was actually taken before we moved in; the room was used as an office by the previous owners.  Note the hideous shelving):

After (Notice that I painted the wooden trim, and removed the aforementioned hideous shelving):

You see that nice white trim at the bottom of the wall?  That trim was the same green color as the walls before I tackled it.  Talk about ugly.  The next project is to paint the hideous wooden doors.  I know, I know—painting wooden doors is practically blasphemy if you’re talking about a much older home that sports actual, attractive woodwork.  But woodwork from the 70s doesn’t exactly fall into the attractive category.  It’s dark and gross and needs to be painted.

When I have time When hell freezes over:)