Holiday Self-Portraits

This year for the holidays, we decided to try something a little different.  Instead of having professional photos taken, we went downstairs to the family room, taped holiday-themed wrapping paper to the walls and floor, set up lots and lots of lights around the area, and placed our camera on a tripod.  We sat in front of the wrapping paper  and tried various poses, different exposures, etc.  The end result turned out pretty well, we think:

Oh yeah, and we adorned ourselves with Christmas lights.  Nice touch, eh?

Today:  Finished painting baby’s room after removing about 1000 staples from the door, trim, and drywall.  WHO PUTS STAPLES INTO THE WALLS???  Trim is painted (it took 4 thick coats of paint to cover up the dark 1970s wood).  Next task is to paint the dark wood bedroom door and closet door (a task that I will reserve for after Christmas).  Tonight:  Celebrating Hannukah at Holden’s best friend’s house.  I’ve never been involved in lighting the menorah, so we are honored that our friends are inviting us into their home to share this special tradition with us.

Happy Solstice Everyone!  And Happy 3.5 years to my H-bomb!  He is exactly 3.5 today!  Wow!

December 22nd, 2011 4:26 pm

You left out some of the best ones!

2011 Xmas Card photo shoot

2011 Xmas Card photo shoot

December 23rd, 2011 7:56 pm

I know, I know! I tried to do a batch upload, but my computer would freeze every time I tried to do that. And, I didn’t want to upload several pictures serially, because that just takes too damn long. So one picture it is.

December 24th, 2011 8:08 pm

Love them all! Well done.

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