Oh yeah, I got this…

What a great week!

I started my new job on Tuesday.  I work 2 days a week, and so far, so good.  I’m still in the very early learning stages of the job, so I don’t have deadlines yet (or any kind of tangible stress), but all signs point to this being a very good fit.  I don’t remember if I shared much (or anything) about the job, so here goes:  it’s essentially a 2nd postdoctoral position, where my sole responsibility is to do research.  Broadly, the research area is clinical neuroscience, which means that the studies are all conducted in humans, (e.g. this is largely new territory for me).  The specific research area I am working in is chronic pain, which is also new to me.  The primary investigational technique I will be using is fMRI, a technique with which I have very limited familiarity.  So basically everything about this opportunity is new, fresh, and exciting.  Right now I am trying to come up to speed on the methodological and statistical aspects of fMRI, since my supervisor wants me to become the programming and data analytic guru of the lab.  In 2 days at work, I’ve dabbled in two different programs for fMRI data analysis, I’ve figuratively banged my head against the wall while becoming acquainted with Linux, and I’ve done some not-so-light reading on statistical modeling for fMRI data sets.  There is so much I don’t know, but I’ve been in this position so many times, of not knowing, that it’s almost comfortable to me, and I almost find it easier to find faith in my cluelessness because I know it will be temporary and one day I will be conversant and fluid in this area.  But it will take some hard work.  And that’s fine.  Ninety percent of learning something new is about figuring out what you don’t know.

Let’s see—- other news from this week:  I had my glucose/anemia/urine screening completed.  My glucose levels are looking good (a HUGE personal relief for me because gestational diabetes significantly increases the likelihood of developing diabetes later in life, and I have a very strong family history of diabetes, so whew!  SO thankful and relieved that turned out OK!).  My iron levels are also good.  Another relief.  The not-so-great news is that I have ANOTHER urinary tract infection.  This is my 2nd one during this pregnancy.  They prescribed a 7-day course of antibiotics, which completely deplete my energy levels.  My provider also said that we would have to discuss the possibility of me being on antibiotics for the rest of the pregnancy, to ward off future possible infections.  I don’t like this idea at all, so I’ll talk to my midwife at the next appointment to see if there are alternatives.  This week I also have a follow-up ultrasound to check on the location of my pesky low-lying placenta.  So…lots of things going on with our little boy.  This hasn’t been the super smooth pregnancy that I had with H, but hey…different pregnancies, different kids.  It’s just all different this time, and I shouldn’t keep comparing them.

On the house front, I’m making progress with our little guy’s new room.  I have a closet door left to paint, and then we’ll be ready to move in his furniture, hang his curtains, and make some art work for his room.  Three more months until our little guy gets here, so there’s still plenty of time.  Other than that, nothing new.  Just keeping up with my yoga and my running (which is starting to morph into brisk walking on the treadmill).  Treating myself to some fiction-reading time each night, and cooking healthy meals every day.  Things are good.


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