I quit my job.
Just like that.
I decided that I had had enough abuse. I decided that “sticking it out” wasn’t going to gain me anything. I decided that staying was only going to hold me back.
I started seeing a therapist 3 weeks ago, for the first time in my adult life. I have needed to go for a while, but the final push came from my midwife at my one-year postpartum appointment. Although in many ways I’m doing better than I had been earlier this year, there are still some unresolved issues that need addressing.
I’m going to be leaving this space for a while. I think a lot of therapeutic benefit can be derived from writing, but I also think (at least in this instance), that the writing and reflection has to be private to be effective. I need to be honest, authentic, and not preoccupied with how my thoughts will be received by others. It’s not that I’m NOT honest in this space, but let’s be real: EVERYONE’S behavior is altered when they are observed. And what I need right now is to spill some authenticity for my own sake.